The Catholic Community of
Alliance, Maximo and Sebring
Rev. G. David Weikart, Pastor
Faith Formation
Small Group Sharing:
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory
Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life
Regina Coeli Elementary School (K-5)
St. Thomas Aquinas Middle/High School (6-12)
Small Group Sharing:
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory
Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life

This small group meets Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at St. Ann Fellowship Hall.
There are two options to meet in a small group:
Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
at St. Joseph, Alliance Schwartz Center.
Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
at Regina Coeli Meeting Room.
Bible Study
Bible Study is offered on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and is held at St. Ann and St. Joseph, Alliance locations from September through June, alternating monthly.
The upcoming weekend readings are read and discussed.
Call the parish office for more information.

O.C.I.A. (Previously RCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process through which men and women enter the Catholic Church. If you are already Catholic but would like a deeper understanding of your Catholic faith, this is for you. This "Journey of Faith" begins in October and new members are received into the church at the Easter Vigil.
O.C.I.A. Schedule 2024-2025
Class Sessions will be held
in the St. Joseph, Alliance Schwartz Center
at 12:15 p.m.
Date Subject
January 5 The Last Things: What Happens After We Die?
January 12 The Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation
January 19 The Eucharist: Source & Summit of Christian Life
January 26 Walk Through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy
February 2 Penance and Anointing of the Sick: God's Mercy Revealed
February 9 Matrimony & Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service & Communion
February 16 A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grace, & the Path to Happiness
February 23 A Love That Lasts: Discovering Authentic Love
March 2 The Season of Lent
March 9 No Class Session Rite of Sending & Rite of Election
March 16 A Love That Lasts: God's Plan for Sexuality
March 23 First Scrutiny
March 23 Catholic Social Teaching: Building a Civilization of Love
March 30 Second Scrutiny
March 30 Catholic Social Teaching: Protecting the Dignity of the Human Person
April 6 Third Scrutiny
April 6 The Details of Holy Week
April 13 Palm Sunday Rehearsal for Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil
April 17 Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper
April 19 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil - Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation/Rite
of Reception into Full Communion
April 20 Easter Sunday
Religious Education
grades K-8
Religious Education Opportunities
Our four-parish Catholic community will resume religious education programs for our youth grades K-8 beginning Sunday, September 15th with Open House. Class sessions will begin on Sunday, September 22nd. Again this year, families may choose the program that is the best fit for their needs. No matter which program you choose or which Mass you attend, your parish registration will remain the same, unless you decide to make changes.
Please consider the options that follow. There are some changes and new opportunities this year. Please read through the information, and prayerfully consider which option is best for your family at this time. If you need any other information about any of the programs, please contact one of the religious education team members listed.
Please note: If your child will be preparing to receive sacraments (First Communion of Confirmation), the Diocese of Youngstown REQUIRES at least two consecutive years of preparation.
Please choose from the following options:
*Traditional Catechesis (CCD/PSR) Grades K-8
Choose one of the following locations/times:
~ St. Joseph Parish, Maximo Sundays, 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
~St. Joseph Parish, Alliance Sundays, 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
*Middle School Ministry/Confirmation Preparation: Grades 6-8
Regina Coeli Parish Sundays, 8:45 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.
*Intergenerational Catechesis : Grades K-8 (new this year)
Regina Coeli Parish Families meet one Monday evening each month.
Additional lessons are completed at home.
Please note: Students in grade 8 in any of the programs will also be required to attend several meetings scheduled outside of class time for in-depth Confirmation preparation.
St. Joseph, Alliance: CCD
At. St. Joseph, Alliance, classes are offered for students from kindergarten through eighth grade. Sacramental preparation classes for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation are also offered.
Classes meet Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the Schwartz Center.
Resources used are Sadlier's We Believe, Catholic Identity Parish Edition ( and Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program ( In addition, we offer resources from Liturgy Training Publications ( Resources from these three Catholic companies offer parents ways to connect with the weekly material beyond our Sunday morning classes so families can further learn and share their Catholic faith together.
All classes are taught by volunteer catechists who are registered members of the parish and who are compliant with the diocese and the requirements of the safe environment program. Volunteer catechists are needed for the 2023-24 academic year with classes scheduled to start on Sunday, September 22nd. To register or to learn more about religious education classes and opportunities to assist at St. Joseph, Alliance, please contact Matt Zeni at (330) 821-5760 or email
St. Joseph, Maximo: CCD
St. Joseph Parish in Maximo offers CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) for school aged children grades kindergarten through eighth with Sacramental Preparation offered in second grade for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion and in eighth grade for the Sacrament of Confirmation. St. Joseph's CCD program meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Catechesis is based on the building blocks of our Fatih, teaching young students the who, what, where, and when about Catholic Church teachings and God's great love for us and appropriately integrating the why and how to the curriculum as students grow in their Faith. Weekly lessons are taught using the Our Sunday Visitor textbook series Alive in Christ. These lessons from the textbook are supplemented with hands-on manipulatives, videos, music, arts and crafts, and many other forms of instruction to help students understand the curriculum. Lesson goals are to help students make connections to the Catechism and Holy Bible with benchmarks being set using the Diocese of Youngstown Directory of Catechesis and students are checked throughout the school year.
All classes are taught by volunteer catechists who are registered members of the parish and who are compliant with the diocese and the requirements of the safe environment program.
To register or to learn more about religious education classes and opportunities to assist at St. Jospeh, Maximo, please contact Roger Herstine at
Regina Coeli: Middle School Ministry
Our Middle School Ministry Program will be offered on Sunday mornings at Regina Coeli. This ministry is for children in grades six through eight. This ministry will meet on Sunday mornings from 8:45 a.m. - 9:55 a.m. The focus of the sessions will be on growing into a more faithful disciple of Jesus Christ through the study and his teachings, a better understanding of the Bible, why Catholics believe what we believe, and how we can live as a committed Catholic in today's world. We will also focus on a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Mass. Pflaum's Gospel Weeklies, The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers from St. Mary's Press and the Bible will be used to guide the instruction, along with resources, videos and materials that support the topics covered.
A team of catechists will work together to prepare and lead the sessions. Parents or relatives who are interested are wilcome to join this team!
If you would like to register or receive more information about our Middle School Ministry, please contact Amy Benedetti-Dike at 330-821-5880 or
Regina Coeli:
Intergenerational Catechesis/Family Learning
We are excited to offer a new program this year that invites families to learn and grow together. We will meet together one Monday evening each month (a calendar with dates will be shared), and families will be given the tools to also work together through lessons on the Catholic faith at home. Interested families should contact Amy Benedetti-Dike at
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held for one week each summer at Regina Coeli.