The Catholic Community of
Alliance, Maximo and Sebring
Rev. G. David Weikart, Pastor
St. Joseph Cemetery, Alliance
Cemetery Office:
427 E. Broadway St.
Alliance, OH 44601
phone: 330.821.5760

Aerial Photos by Will Kinser

2024 Cemetery Board
Jim Edwards - Chairman
Sid Zufall
Dick Glasser
Dr. Rick Robenstine
Gary Conny
Teresa Peters
Cathy Henderson
The Catholic cemetery is an essential component of the Catholic Church's Ministry concerning the disposition of bodies of the faithful deceased. The Catholic cemetery is a visible symbol of our faith and hope of the Resurrection. "The burial of the dead is a corporal work of mercy; it honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2300).
As a Catholic cemetery, St. Joseph Cemetery is an extension of the local community of faith, a holy place of repose of the bodies of our beloved deceased, and a place of prayerful remembrance for the living.
For information regarding purchase of lots in St. Joseph Cemetery, please call the cemetery office.
Because the cemetery is not supported by any church or diocesan funds, it depends solely for its maintenance on the fees charged for sale of lots, opening and closing fees, and foundation fees, plus the freewill offerings given by those who appreciate our cemetery. If you would like to make a donation to the upkeep of the cemetery, please mail your donation to the address below.
Cemetery office:
427 East Broadway Street
Alliance, OH 44601
Phone 330-821-5760
St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery
East State Street
Cemetery Regulations:
In order to keep our cemetery safe for our workers and ease in maintenance, please comply with these regulations:
Planting of annual flowers is permitted directly in front of and abutting the grave monuments, extending out no more than 14 inches. If there is no monument, flowers may be placed where the monument would ordinarily be located.
No trees, shrubs or bushes are permitted.
Outlining the graves with a metal frame, plastic edging, crushed stone or large wood chips is not permitted.
Shepherd hooks are not permitted.
A little bit of History:
Land for St. Joseph Cemetery was purchased in 1868.
The first burial was William McGrath, two-year old son of Michael McGrath on February 2, 1870.