The Catholic Community of
Alliance, Maximo and Sebring
Rev. G. David Weikart, Pastor

Parish Council
St. Joseph Parish Advisory Council:
Christy Ballor. Chair
Marvin Bixler
Chris Cook
Suzie Dennis
Jim Edwards
Larry Gatts
Lynn Raber
Christine Robenstine
Linda Schneider
Liturgy Committee - Linda Schneider, Chair
Membership Committee - Suzie Dennis, Chair
Safety Committee - Marvin Bixler, Chair
Parish & Family Life Committee -
Parish Facilities Committee - Jim Edwards, Chair
Representing St. Vincent DePaul Society - Larry Gatts
Representing Knights of Columbus Counsil #558- Joe Kisik
St. Joseph Parish
Financial Advisory Board
Tom Browm
Jim Edwards
Leann Laure
Marie Ott
Christine Robenstine
Michelle Sams, Chair
Trust Committee
Jim Edwards, Chair
Brad Siefke
Lynette Treece
Fred Wallace
Representing St. Joseph Alliance
to Our Catholic Community
Representative Parish Council:
Suzie Dennis and Christy Ballor
Representative Finance Committee:
Tom Brown and Michelle Sams